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This page is to keep track of my contributions to, and coverage of my work in, various Wikimedia publications. (I may want to expend it to include other publications; for now, much of that information lives at )

Non-Wikimedia publications

My writing

Coverage of my work

Brief mentions / looser connection to Wikipedia


Peer reviewed conference presentations

Wikimedia Blog

Coverage of my work

Brief mentions of my work

Wikipedia Signpost

Op-ed columns

News pieces

Note: I became editor in chief of the Signpost in August 2016; here, I will include only the more substantial pieces.

Coverage of my work

Brief mentions of my work


Unrelated to Wikimedia

My writing

Coverage of me

Just fun

Grant reports

Wikipedia-oriented blog mentions


My own contribution to the following contributions is licensed CC BY 4.0. In some cases, however, the university or organization that made the recording may have copyright to the recording. I'm happy to seek rights for republication; please let me know if that would be helpful.

Press releases and announcements

