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Package of Palitaw
TypeRice cake
Place of originPhilippines
Main ingredientsGlutinous rice, coconut, mascobado, sesame seeds
Similar dishesBuchi, Mache, Masi, Moche

Palitaw (ᜉᜎᜒᜆᜏ᜔) (from litaw, the Tagalog word for "float" or "rise") is a small, flat, sweet rice cake eaten in the Philippines. They are made from galapong - washed, soaked, and ground malagkit (sticky rice). After excess water is let out from the grinding process, scoops of the batter are rolled and flattened to a circular shape and cooked by dropping into boiling water; floating to the surface is an indication that they are done. Before serving, they are dipped in grated coconut, and presented with a separate mix of sugar and toasted sesame seeds.[1] There are many different kinds of Palitaw including Chocolate Palitaw, which is made like a regular one but with an added flavor of chocolate. There are many small businesses in the industry that sell chocolate Palitaw.

See also


  1. ^ Nocheseda, Elmer I. "IN PRAISE OF SUMAN PAST". Tagalog Dictionary. Retrieved January 26, 2008.

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